ghana 2014 – tag 2

June 7, 2014 on 8:32 am | In ->ghana 2014, allgemeines, reiseberichte | No Comments


All night I’ve heard music and singing from the schoolyard, so in the morning I decided to check out what they are up to. I set in the shade for quite a while, talking to some kids and observing the event. My try to acclimatise to the whole overwhelming situation.

Turns out all the music and noise was part of a big funeral, which in Africa means quite a party.


for training only

If I got it right, these guys are neither police nor military but mere students in their school uniform. And if you wondered, yes, they are drilling, exercising and marching, but only with wooden rifles. Reminds me of being a kid.



Saturday is the big washday for the students at campus. They wash their clothes by hand and to dry (and bleach) spread their shirts out on the grass. It works I guess.

a guy and a boat

In the evening I was out at the beach, it’s not as close as I’ve thought, like ten minutes to walk. A lot of fishingboats out there, not many people, nice beach, nice place. Watched them dragging out one of the boats, where 25 people pull them up on a rope. Not many fish in that boat, but really interesting to experience.


group activity



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