Do what you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

March 24, 2008 on 3:09 pm | In allgemeines, produktivity | No Comments


Dieses Zitat ist eines der Besten und Vielsagensten, die ich jemals gelesen habe. Meist versuche ich selbst nach diesem Motto zu leben und zu arbeiten, aber das ist nicht immer einfach.

Auf der Suche nach dem “Erfinder” dieses Zitats, bin ich heute morgen auf einen wundervollen Artikel gestoßen. Er beschreibt sehr gut, welche “Kräfte” uns zum arbeiten bringen, wie wir unsere Arbeit wählen sollen, und was uns glücklich macht.

Aber lest selbst, ich will hier nicht Auszüge übersetzen:

Most people would say, I’d take that problem. Give me a million dollars and I’ll figure out what to do. But it’s harder than it looks. Constraints give your life shape. Remove them and most people have no idea what to do: look at what happens to those who win lotteries or inherit money. Much as everyone thinks they want financial security, the happiest people are not those who have it, but those who like what they do. So a plan that promises freedom at the expense of knowing what to do with it may not be as good as it seems.

Whichever route you take, expect a struggle. Finding work you love is very difficult. Most people fail. Even if you succeed, it’s rare to be free to work on what you want till your thirties or forties. But if you have the destination in sight you’ll be more likely to arrive at it. If you know you can love work, you’re in the home stretch, and if you know what work you love, you’re practically there.

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