about stereotypes

June 14, 2011 on 1:04 pm | In allgemeines, art | No Comments

i just stumbled over that, and i like it very much. well said sir.

No one is alt/goth/prep/etc… to the depths of their soul. There are goth people who like puppies, preppy people who think trainspotting is the best movie ever and alt people who rock out to Britney on occasion. There is no such thing as a fully blown stereotype-people may identify more with a certain stereotype, or enjoy the aesthetic of one, but that doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy things outside of it.

and for the record: i like puppies, trainspotting is a great movie, i’d dance to britney – sure. do whatever is making you happy, that’s what important.


Don’t worry what people think, they don’t do it very often.

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