kravi hora – napoleons kopf

November 3, 2011 on 12:21 pm | In allgemeines, outdoor, reiseberichte | 2 Comments

die nebelsuppe hier hat mich genervt, und als ich bei der zamg gelesen hab, dass der hochnebel zwischen 600 u 900m hängen soll, hab ich mir einen hügel rausgesucht der höher liegt. kravi hora, gleich gegenüber dem vysoka den ich letztes jahr besucht habe, schien mir ein gutes ziel. kaum 50km von hier entfernt, 1000m hoch, was will man mehr.

bei der anfahrt hab ich aber dann doch einige zweifel gehabt. fast eine stunde durch nebel fahren und auf sonne hoffen wirkt absurd.

steep angle

some rock


omg was ist das, in der ferne?

finally, there is some light in the distance.

sonnenstrahlen. yes.

finally, there is some light in the distance.

finally, there is some light in the distance.

finally, there is some light in the distance.


dann soll’s hier oben noch diesen napoleon-stein (Napoleonova hlava) geben. ich kenn den nur von fotos, die tollsten finde ich sind die hier


napoleons kopf

napoleons kopf

mehr von napoleon gibts hier, ich will nicht alle leute die nicht da rauf klettern wollen mit “fotos von steinen” langweilen.

kravi. there i am.

das war part 1. danach bin ich auf die aussichtswarte rauf geklettert, und der anblick dort oben, hat mich gefühlte 1000 fotos machen lassen. ich bin dann mal am sortieren…


November 3, 2011 on 10:28 am | In allgemeines | No Comments

yes, i am anonymous.

22g, a few months later. a review.

November 3, 2011 on 9:34 am | In allgemeines, outdoor | No Comments

i am writing this review in english because i promised it over on baladeos facebookpage.

i bought the baladeo 22g a few months ago, mainly because its beautiful looks and its size/weight. i carried it as my main edc blade for a few weeks. other than that i took it out swimming (it’s perfect for that)


so. i love the looks. it’s a gorgeous, little blade, but, and there’s a big but, the design has a few flaws i ran into.



first, the stop-pin. in the design of the knife this part is critical, because it retains the knife when closed AND when open. big problem is, it’s not lock-tighted, and it got loose on me / fell out. once your stop-pin is out, the knife can rotate around freely and WILL cut or stab you.

second, the washers. the blade has two washers to keep it smooth. one of them broke on me, just from opening and closing the knife. after this washer is broken, the blade is sticking out from the handle. you can easily rip/cut clothes – or your hands – now, because the tip of the blade sticks out a few mm from the handle. this is a basic design flaw, that was quite obvious when i looked at it. the plastic washer gets pinched every time you open the knife, so it will break eventually – and WILL cut or stab you.

edit: third, small knifes are awesome, when you know where they are. will add some pics later in the day.


remember murphis law, everything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

i think the hardest “cutting” i did with this tool was slicing pizza for some friends, maybe some fishing work, usual hiking/outdoor stuff like cutting paracord or some bread.

fixes: well i tried to fix the bugs. stop pin was easy, use a lot of lock tight and be done with it. the washer problem stays, it’s an inert design flaw, hard to adress – i guess that’s why it’s there.

fazit: it’s a beautiful knife, and i am happy to have it. i just think it’s more hype than anything. if you want to use one, just take care of it, and be aware of the problems.


take care of your shit, and your shit will take care of you.