
September 22, 2011 on 10:35 pm | In allgemeines | No Comments

fences are made for jumping them.

students, chavs and poor immigrants

September 22, 2011 on 9:41 am | In allgemeines | No Comments

Also noticed that where you have a lot of middle aged, middle class people (most of Germany and Denmark for example), there is fuck all going on, and the streets are always empty (everyone is at work, or having their tea, or watching TV).  It reminds me of being a kid again.  Maybe it’s civil society?  What I’d give for some students, chavs and poor immigrants to liven things up a bit!

reading andy kirkpatricks blog again.


September 22, 2011 on 9:20 am | In allgemeines | No Comments

that’s a good start in a day. sipping coffee, reading about big walls and great rock in some far away place.


Don’t quite know how it happened, but one night we bivied below the face, approached in the dark (it’s good to approach scary objectives in the dark, that way you can’t see what you’re getting into), and started climbing.