ghana 2014 – tag 13
After the morning workshop we were invited to visit a business school a few kilometers from Ketasco – named Ketabusco.
We ran around the campus and visited some of Roberts classes, but the most impressive experience to me was visiting the schools kitchen. Some very nice ladies are cooking for all the teachers and students (~1000) at the school, in what technically is a hut. Those cheery and happy women do a lot of work there with absolutely minimal equipment.
And yes, they notices that my color fit their colors and we had fun. No idea why I am looking that crazy, but I had fun so I don t mind.
ghana 2014 – tag 12
Finally we kicked out one of the teacher who was late every single day. I took over his group and had a lot of fun explaining the guys networking equipment. The last week they just read wikipedia entries and tried to memorise that stuff by heart, it was really awesome to see them understand finally what they’ve read. I unplugged one of the Cat 5 cables, let them count the wires inside after stripping an old cable, explained them why they are drilled in pairs and so on.
I really had a lot of fun and the guys are starting to get the hang of it. They now know what it is about, and I hope they will remember those lessons for every other thing they have to learn. Learning is understanding.
In the break between our workshops I had Michael Y. and his students give me a lesson in weaving techniques. They actually created a learning unit for people to learn how to weave, and this day we took all the pictures. Was fun to learn new things and esp. with a good teacher like Michael I was able to take a few ideas from his teaching style.