
May 9, 2011 on 4:21 pm | In allgemeines, art, books, ideen, möbelstücke | No Comments

this looks incredible. and like a lot of work. and incredible.

minimal coffee maker

March 18, 2011 on 7:47 pm | In allgemeines, art, ideen, möbelstücke | No Comments



March 13, 2011 on 11:40 pm | In allgemeines, home office, ideen, möbelstücke | No Comments

hardwood floor. sweeet.


March 10, 2011 on 5:55 pm | In allgemeines, art, home office, ideen, möbelstücke, wohnung | No Comments


burned seats

March 9, 2011 on 1:41 am | In allgemeines, art, ideen, möbelstücke | No Comments


March 7, 2011 on 9:25 pm | In allgemeines, art, ideen, möbelstücke, projekte | No Comments

this. is. epic.

want. eine alte betonfabrik umgebaut. great.


March 5, 2011 on 12:36 pm | In allgemeines, art, ideen, möbelstücke, projekte | No Comments

wer hätte gedacht dass beton so schön sein kann. will haben.

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