ultimate bungalow

July 20, 2013 on 2:55 pm | In allgemeines, art, möbelstücke | No Comments

wood wood wood soooo much amazing impressive wood.


the chocolateria

January 26, 2013 on 11:02 pm | In allgemeines, möbelstücke | No Comments


from the patagonia fb-page:

@annegilbertchase, @katerutherford, @corn_silk and @oceangoingmonkey root @emstifler on as she cranks out the pull ups at The Chocolateria, quite possibly the best chocolate shop and climber hang in the world. Photo: Mikey Schaefer (@mikeylikesrocks) #vidapatagonia

has to be the coolest place ever, i want a mancave just like that, filled with crazyness, energy and inspiration.

chair thing.

January 13, 2013 on 12:53 am | In allgemeines, ideen, möbelstücke | No Comments

hmm. do i want one?



December 21, 2012 on 4:21 am | In allgemeines, ideen, möbelstücke | No Comments

sollte ich einmal wieder zeit haben…

baue ich eine tafelrunde oder einen schmiedeofen???


knife block

December 12, 2012 on 12:52 am | In allgemeines, ideen, möbelstücke | No Comments

i should build this.

wooden notebook

November 29, 2012 on 5:10 pm | In allgemeines, ideen, möbelstücke | No Comments

a perfect house for your ideas, right on your desk. i will work on that.

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