people i know are looking damn good.
crystallizing time and free will.
“And the reason Luke is thinking about time and free will is because he believes that money is the closest human beings have ever come to crystallizing time and free will into a compact physical form. Cash. Cash is a time crystal. Cash allows you to multiply your will, and it allows you to speed up time. Cash is what defines us as a species. Nothing else in the universe has money.”
Douglas Coupland | Player One
interesting concept i have to say…
wien, gefundenes
Wegen Sturm im gesamten Parkbereich Lebensgefahr!
Sicher ist sicher! haha.
no coverage out here.
Over time, I also found that I enjoyed an ever more profound sense of my own isolation. I was utterly alone out there, and I knew that not because I had no phone, but rather because I had a phone with which I couldn’t possibly contact another human being. The difference somehow seemed important.
read more here
ravenscroft desk
this desk is so damn beautiful.
gandhi to hitler
this is just so damn awesome. gandhi schrieb insgesamt 3 briefe an hitler.