mountain people and business.

March 4, 2015 on 12:26 pm | In allgemeines | No Comments

Inspiring take on why people attracted to the mountains are good business people too.

You feel lost.
You feel bored.
You worry that your adrenal glad is broken and that you will never feel true fun again.
So you do the next scariest thing you can think of and start your own business.


You know how to show up, rain or shine, and make shit happen.


Awesome read while working on two startups. Good times.


March 3, 2015 on 2:39 pm | In allgemeines | No Comments

Mode ist Nachahmung derer, die sich von der Masse absetzen.


want to work

March 2, 2015 on 4:31 pm | In allgemeines | No Comments


March 1, 2015 on 9:23 pm | In allgemeines, art | No Comments

twitter gold

February 28, 2015 on 3:22 pm | In allgemeines | No Comments

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

“An honest, brave, compassionate human being.”

“No…I mean, how do you want to sell your labor?”

what do you want to be?

egal – dunkelbunt

February 27, 2015 on 5:08 pm | In allgemeines, art, musik | No Comments

prototyp II

February 26, 2015 on 11:24 pm | In allgemeines, projekte | No Comments

prototyp II

getting there. i love it.

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